Meet Your Senators
Caleb Ball
President Pro-Tempore
Addison Adcock
Special Interest Senator
Kayle Amos
Campus Equity and Advocacy Senator
Madeline Bailey
College of Business Senator
Justin Boomgarden
Religious & Spiritual Senator
Brittany Bustillos
Cultural/Multicultural Senator
Shayne Carson
Philanthropic Service Senator
Troy Christian
Campus Equity & Advocacy Senator
Pierson Cole
School of Accountancy Senator
Daniel Dear
At-Large Senator
Ryleigh Anne Felty
College of Education Senator
Eron Hendrix
College of Applied Sciences Senator
Jalon Hightower
College of Liberal Arts Senator
Garrett Holland
At-Large Senator
Grace Hosemann
Religious & Spiritual Senator
Edward Hunter
At-Large Senator
Brooke Jankowsky
School of Business Senator
Tres Jones
College of Liberal Arts Senator
Keerthin Karthikeyan
University-Department Sponsored Senator
Eli Keel
Cultural/Multicultural Senator
Ella Key
At-Large Senator
Emily Krieger
Student Life Senator
Grace Landry
School of Journalism and New Media Senator
Adam Maatallah
At-Large Senator
Ewing Milam
College of Business Senator
Katie Miles
At-Large Senator
Elisabeth Miller
Professional & Academic Senator
Caroline Milroy
Political Senator
Brady Moore
At-Large Senator
Andrew Nichols
Health and Wellness Senator
Kaleb Parish
Professional & Academic Senator
Lillian Prather
Philanthropic Service Senator
Zachary Rifkin
At-Large Senator
Evangeline Ryan
At-Large Senator
Kieffer Schwartz
Club Sports
William Pentecost
Student Governance Senator
Emma Scruggs
Health and Wellness Senator
Wesley Templet
University-Department Sponsored Senator
William Terrell
Special Interest Senator
Jack Turrentine
Interfraternity Council Senator
Cole Wade
At-Large Senator
Haley Warren
Political Senator
Sara Jane Wilburn
School of Engineering
Elizabeth Wildman
Student Governance Senator
Fred Williams
NPHC Senator
Blake Williamson
College of Liberal Arts Senator
OC Williford
College of Liberal Arts Senator
Bratton Willoughby
Club Sports Senator
Edward Wilson
At-Large Senator
Mason Woodrick
At-Large Senator
Rebekah Woodruff
Panhellenic Senator
Jaylen Woullard
Student Life Committee
Governmental Operations Committee
Inclusion and Cross-Cultural Engagement Committee
Infrastructure Committee
Housing Committee
External Affairs Committee
Athletics Committee
Academics Committee
Live Senate
Live Senate
Join our weekly occurring senate meeting! We will go live at 7 pm CST every Tuesday! Tune in to see what is happening in senate.
2024-2025 Legislation
SB 25-1
A bill of the Associated Student Body to amend the associated student body code by restructuring the secretary’s department.
SP 24-1
A Proclamation of the Associated Student Body Senate Congratulating the Seven University of Mississippi Athletes Who Participated in the 2024 Paris Summer Olympics.
SB 24-6
A bill of the Associated Student Body Senate to amend the Associated Student Body Code by codifying that dual-degree students may vote for both of their academic schools.
SB 24-7
A bill of the Associated Student Body Senate to amend the Associated Student Body Code by updating Section 123 in Title V, Subsection C.
SB 24-5
A bill of the Associated Student Body Senate to amend the Associated Student Body Code by clarifying the types of legislation passed by the Senate in Title II, Section C.
SR 24-6
A resolution of the Associated Student Body Senate recommending that the University of Mississippi Department of Parking and Transportation change its warning policy to allow one (1) warning per academic semester.
SR 24-7
A resolution of the Associated Student Body Senate urging Student Housing to include common spaces and ADA-related maintenance requests on the Student Housing Maintenance Request Form.
SR 24-8
A resolution of the Associated Student Body Senate recommending that WellReb kits continue to be distributed to campus residents at the start of each school year through a partnership with campus departments to provide adequate wellness resources to incoming students.
SR 24-9
A resolution of the Associated Student Body Senate urging all university and academic departments, in cooperation with the Department of Human Resources, to post student worker jobs with clearly identifiable hourly pay rates or pay ranges on the “University of Mississippi Jobs” website, while also promoting this website through marketing and communications initiatives.
All legislation listed “Incomplete” refer to legislation that members of Campus Administration did not sign. Please note that is this different from the bill being passed by the Campus Senate.